Jul 14, 2010

CBR 7.14.2010

Church History in One Sentence (Maybe More Than Just One Sentence (Definitely Not Less)): Mr. Keble preached the Assize Sermon in the University Pulpit. It was published under the title of 'National Apostasy"; and so began the Tractarian Movement in Oxford, 1833. 
Leviticus 21
The LORD like a good father protects his Children from poisonous things.    Need for Christ is shown in v. 19. 
 It may have been sufficient if the lord merely did this but much more was done. 

I Chronicles 12
Lord to Vassels if then statement and covenant relationship shown here.  
v. 8  Our calling is not one of boredom, but one of adventure and true hearted obedience.   Shama Israel, "For your God (actually) helps you!"  He is not like the other Gods who stay far away and laugh heartily at our weak ways.  "For Your GOD HELPS YOU"  God helps us find Joy in Israel.
Next year in Israel is always the end we (Jews)  finish our passover cedar.  Chronicles was written for those living away from Israel in  exile.  It gave hope that one day we may bring an army strong enough to conquer the world's evil ways.  We ask that next year the LORD deposits us on the banks of Israel.  
Ezekiel 16
We are whores and sell out to shinny things inside the world.  

Colossians 2 
We are knit together through the love of Christ, we should abound in Good News, in Thanksgiving,  Shadows lurked before Christ, Christ has now come,  and only Christ stops the indulgence of the world.

Prayer: "LORD enable us to come to You, and seek to abide in you, and have your words abide in us all the time. Endow us with your spirit to stand against the apostasy that threatens to send good men to hell"  Provide us with the material to be a man of valor who represents God Well.  Keep me from the evil ways of the world that may look good and shinny but are just wretched things that take me away from the LORD''s path.  Make me quick to recognize the things that sanctify and the things that do not.

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