Nov 27, 2008

Iranaeus d. 202 AD - Recapitulation on the Golf Course:

God takes from his golf-bag a dimpled ball labeled Adams. He swings his driver awkwardly. The ball spins off, miserably landing in a lake.
God tells his Cady, "Mulligan?!"

Then, he stands backwards. He swings his driver, hitting a tree, ricocheting into the middle of the fairway.

"Which ball was that?"

God replies, "Jesus Christ!"

Okay this is heretical in a number of ways, first of first God never does make a mistake.  To say he needed a Mulligan was my lack of understanding of Christianity.   I like the story though.  But it is a sign that I have grown in my involvement with the Word of God.   Thank you LORD for bearing with me as I am blind with out your Spirit.

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