Jun 24, 2010

The God Who Is There: On Biblical Truth

Frank Viola and Leonard Sweet should read The God That Is There again, especially pages 177 and page 179.  To save them a trip to their book shelf, or library, or bookstore,  let me quote the book for them.   I hope they will rewrite the Jesus Manifesto, to reflect the true inspiration of God.  The truth is more important than a false unity.
"The scriptures are important, not because they are printed in a certain way nor bound in a certain kind of leather, nor because they have helped many people.   This is not the basic reason for the Scriptures being overwhelming important.  The bible, the historic Creeds and orthodoxy are important because God is there, and finally, that is the only reason they have their importance."177

Biblical truth and spirituality is not a relationship to the word god, or to the idea God.  It is a relationship to the One who is there.179

Schaffer, Francis A The God That is There (Chicago: Inter Varsity Press, 1968), 177 and 179.

 I recommend the following book to guard yourself against the rise of heretics in the postmodern age:"The Three Essential Books In One Volume:  Francis A Schaffer Trilogy."  

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